In addition to this, Tattletail is able to speak, respond, and react to the environment around him, almost appearing sentient in this way. He also has an egg hole on the bottom of his model and a small tuft of hair on his head alongside a very-hard-to-see sharp-ended tail. He appears to wear leg warmers that are usually difficult to notice at first. Tattletail's fur can come in many different colors, and he is shown to be available in purple, yellow, and blue colors in the game. He has a small heart-shaped nose and large blue eyes with purple-blue eyelids, complete with large, pointed ears resembling those of Furbies. Unlike the baby Tattletails, Mama Tattletail toys seem to have only been made in one color.Tattletail is somewhat small and has an egg-shaped body with small, human-like feet and a cat-like face. They share the cream-colored underbelly and muzzle of their younger kin, but are larger in size, have brown eyes and fur, a white tuft of hair on their heads and a tape-deck in their stomachs. Their ears are the same size as those of the Baby Tattletails, and are smaller in comparison to their bodies as a result. The Mama Tattletail seen in Tattletail is the primary and only threat of the game, and has the appearance of a normal-looking Mama Tattletail toy. After going evil, however, she has torn ears, darker-colored fur and her eyes disappear, revealing glowing red LEDs. Her tape-deck's cover also seems to be missing. During the jumpscare sequence, she lunges at you, her head spins rapidly from side to side, and her mouth opens wide, revealing six very sharp, pointy teeth. Mama Tattletail was designed to read stories to children via the use of various pre-recorded cassette tapes. The tapes seem to have been accompanied by books for the children to read along with, judging by the inclusion of "turn the page" in the tape heard in-game. Mama Tattletail's head would rotate while the tape was being played. Mama Tattletail does not speak unless the tape is inserted, and may be unable to speak without a tape, When she isn't Chasing the Protagonist. Mama Tattletail is attracted to loud noises and will follow The Protagonist around based on the noises they or their Tattletail make. If the player approaches Mama Tattletail, or makes a loud noise too close to her, she will attack. Mama Tattletail's attack kills the Protagonist instantly. She can move around the house, but only when the player isn't looking directly at her. Looking directly at Mama Tattletail causes the player's Flashlight to go out. If it does, Mama Tattletail will teleport and may kill the player. Mama Tattletail also makes grinding noises when she is near and she can cut off the lights, making it harder for the player to avoid her.

If she kills the player's flashlight, an ominous sound may often play, and Mama will either say "Mama's coming", "Mama will look after you", "Come to Mama" or "Mama's looking after you".

Mama will often make a clattering sound when moving. Mama Tattletail can be seen facing away from the screen, rather torn apart. Mama does not appear Visibly at all, but She might be is the one who cuts the lights in the basement after the player has taken care of their Tattletail's needs. The player's Tattletail will say "Mama scary!" after the main objective of this chapter is complete. The player will wake up to a grinding noise.

They will find Mama Tattletail deactivated in the basement, making that same grinding sound until they approach her, whereupon they will load a cassette tape into Mama Tattletail and listen to her story. The player's Tattletail will ask to see Mama Tattletail, but by the time they get there, Mama Tattletail is gone. After wrapping Tattletail back up, Mama Tattletail will chase the player as they head back upstairs to clear up the mess Tattletail made in the sitting room. Mama Tattletail will consistently terrorize the player throughout this chapter while the Tattletail's play Hide & Seek.